Volleyball Drills Collection

This page provides a listing of volleyball drills by a number of different categorizations so you can pick out ones which might be of use as you develop your practice plan. These are the drills which have been posted to the site thus far, so it will continue to grow and expand over time.

General Ball-Handling Drills

See also pepper variations.

Twenty OneAll
2-Player Set & TouchIntermediate, Advanced
2-Task Ball-Handling ShuttleBasic, Intermediate
5-Player Passing and MovementAll

Volleyball Drills for Serving

Run & ServeAll
Amoeba ServingBeginner, Intermediate
Passing TripletsAll
Serving-Passing-Setting Quads Intermediate, Advanced
8-Person Serve & PassIntermediate, Advanced
2-sided Serve & PassIntermediate, Advanced
Get-2 Serve & PassIntermediate, Advanced
Servers vs. Passers ScoringIntermediate, Advanced

Passing/Serve Receive Drills

Run Serve ReceiveAll
Passing TripletsAll
Serving-Passing-Setting Quads Intermediate, Advanced
8-Person Serve & PassIntermediate, Advanced
2-sided Serve & PassIntermediate, Advanced
Get-2 Serve & PassIntermediate, Advanced
Servers vs. Passers ScoringIntermediate, Advanced
14-Player Serve-Pass-HitAll
5-player Pass and SetBeginner

Volleyball Drills for Setting

Serving-Passing-Setting Quads All
Dig and Set BackIntermediate, Advanced
Second Ball SettingAll
Back and Front Setting Warm-upIntermediate, Advanced
5-player Pass and SetBeginner

Volleyball Drills for Hitting

7-in-7 HittingIntermediate, Advanced
Continuous TransitionIntermediate, Advanced
The Hard DrillIntermediate, Advanced
Cooperative Cross-Court HittingIntermediate, Advanced
Rotating Cooperative Cross-Court HittingIntermediate, Advanced
Hitter TourneyIntermediate, Advanced
3 v 3 All-Touch Transition & AttackIntermediate, Advanced

Volleyball Drills for Blocking

Basic Blocking Footwork All

Volleyball Drills for Defense

Continuous Cross-Court DiggingAll
Dig and Set BackIntermediate, Advanced
Second Ball SettingAll
Rotating Cooperative Cross-Court HittingIntermediate, Advanced

Game Play Drills

The Belly DrillAll
The Hard DrillIntermediate, Advanced
Cooperative Cross-Court HittingIntermediate, Advanced
Rotating Cooperative Cross-Court HittingIntermediate, Advanced
Hitter TourneyIntermediate, Advanced
6 v 6sAll
3 v 3 All-Touch Transition & AttackIntermediate, Advanced

Have recommendations for additional volleyball drills I can post? Contact me and share them.

When you think of the drills you use, and your overall practice plan, it’s worth also thinking about the psychology of the practice you put together.

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John Forman

John is currently the Strategic Manager for Talent (oversees the national teams) and Indoor Performance Director for Volleyball England. His 20+ years of volleyball coaching experience includes all three NCAA divisions, plus Junior College, in the US; university and club teams in the UK; professional coaching in Sweden; and both coaching and club management at the Juniors level. He's also been a visiting coach at national team, professional club, and juniors programs in several countries.

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