Synopsis: This is a serving and passing focused drill which offers some flexibility for you to put players in a competitive situation.
Age/Skill Level: This is a drill for all levels
Requirements: full court, two groups of at least 3 players, several balls
Execution: Place half the team on one side of the net as servers and the other half the teams on the other side as serve receive passers, with a target. The serving team will take turns serving to the other team. Whichever player passes the ball moves to target with a new player filling in. The target sends the ball back to the servers, then goes to the back of the passing line. Each pass is scored on the 0-3 scale with the passing team getting that many points and the serving team getting 3 minus whatever the passers got. For example, if the passers get a 2 pass they would get 2 points and the servers would only get 1 point (3-2). A missed serve counts as 3 points for the passing team. The first team to a designated point objective wins. Switch passers and servers and go again.
- You can use an alternative pass scoring system.
- If you want more aggressive serves you could either not count missed serves or have them worth fewer points to the passing team.
- You may also use different scoring for each side if you are working A team vs. B team.
Additional Comments:
- If you find either servers or passers consistently winning, you may have to alter the scoring system to make things more competitive.
- You may also find that you need to adjust the scoring and/or length of the game over the course of a season as players develop to keep things balanced.
- Keep an eye out to see if servers start specifically targeting weaker passers, which is strategically a good idea and also gives those players more reps.
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