Synopsis: This is a player-centric drill which can be used to work individual digging movement and handling technique, while also offering the potential for use as a conditioning exercise.
Age/Skill Level: This is a drill for all levels
Requirements: 3 players, 2 balls
Execution: Position the three players in a triangle about 6 meters apart. Two players have a ball and the third is laying on their stomach facing the others. One of the players slaps the ball. The one on the ground gets up, then shuffles over so they are even with the player who slapped the ball. That standing player attacks a ball to be dug. The receiving player then goes back to the start, and repeats the process with the other standing player. Repeat for four digs total.
- You can increase the number of digs to raise the workload.
- You may require only good digs, based on whatever criteria you feel suits your group
- For lower level players the ball to be dug could be a toss rather than a spike.
Additional Comments:
- As a player-centric drill, this could be something used in a stations set-up combined with other drills.
- It could be used as a conditioning exercise.
- As a coaching point, make sure to pay attention to both foot movement and the dig execution.
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