Category: Volleyball Drills

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 4-Player Pair Pepper

This volleyball pepper drill can be used in place of normal 2-player pepper for more realistic ball-contact sequence and potentially in a smaller area.

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: Basic Blocking Footwork

This basic blocking drill is good for working on footwork and can be easily inserted into a warm-up routine to ensure players are getting consistent…

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: Servers vs. Passers Scoring

This simple game volleyball drill works on serving and passing in a competitive way with enough flexibility to let you create a balanced challenge.

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: Get-2 Serve & Pass

This serving and passing drill can be useful for larger groups to keep them moving while also getting the developmental focus on those who need…

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 1-way Pepper

This is a volleyball pepper drill variation which can be used to mix up your warm-ups and or ball-handling training.

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 2-sided Serve & Pass

This volleyball drill is an extension of a basic serve and pass exercise which lets you involve more players, making it good for large squads…

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 2-Player Set & Touch

Here's a volleyball drill you can use to work on ball-handling and volleyball court movement, and it can be incorporated into a warm-up routine.

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 8-Person Serve & Pass

Here's a very simple drill you can use to work on serving and ball-control skills which has some flexibility in adding additional skills and focus…