Synopsis: This pepper variation allows for consecutive execution of skills rather than a constant switching around through pass, set, and hit (saw this one run by USC)
Age/Skill Level: This is a drill for intermediate to advanced players
Requirements: Two players, one ball
Execution: This is a variation on basic pass-set-hit pepper. Rather than one player hitting, the other digging, and the hitter then setting to restart the sequence, in this version the digger plays the ball up to themselves and then sets their partner to hit again.
- This should be done for some number of successful reps before the partners switch roles.
- For more advanced players the requirement could be that the reps be consecutive, perhaps allowing for some scrambling so long as the ball doesn’t hit the floor.
- Advanced players can be required to jump set and/or jump hit.
Additional Comments:
- As with all pepper drills, this could be useful in warm-ups.
- It is worth thinking about mixing up pepper variations to keep things fresh and/or to create more focus on certain skills.
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