The Perfect Drill resources

Thank you for being a reader of The Perfect Drill. Here are some supplementary materials and other resources you may find helpful in furthering your development and work as a coach. I’ve arranged them by chapter for easy reference.

Chapter 3

Skill acquisition is a substantial topic, with a few important concepts you may have already heard about. For example Blocked vs. Random vs. Game-like training. The late Carl McGown, who played a big role in introducing motor learning concepts in to volleyball, co-authored a paper in 2016 (I believe) that is worth reading. It’s title is Motor Learning Principles and the Superiority of Whole Training in Volleyball. As the title suggests, the main focus is on whole vs. part training (training a skill all together as opposed to breaking it down into parts, then trying to bring those parts together). It brings up a number of other subjects such as specificity, however, so it’s definitely worth reading. Just be prepared for a lot of academic language.

A bit easier to consume is the this Australian Swimming conference presentation by Damian Farrow. It does a really nice job of touching on a number of important skill acquisition concepts in a very accessible way. From there, you can take a deeper dive into a couple of core areas in a volleyball context through the videos on this blog post.

Here’s some Research into training hitters to attack vs. a block. And a key admonition: Don’t just cite the research, actually read and understand i

I have some additional blog posts you may find useful.

On the subject of making drills sufficiently challenging, here are a few posts worth a read.

Turning to the topic of feedback, this video talks about the differences between Explicit vs. Implicit learning. And here are some other key things to have in mind.

I’ll throw the Psycho-Social aspect of things in here as well. Dan Abrahams is a really good one to follow in this space. I often share stuff he’s posted in my weekly newsletter. Here are some posts I’ve done around things Dan has said.

Chapter 4

Here’s one version of the Rocks, Pebbles, Sand concept.

How to add conditioning to your volleyball practice

Here are some posts on the subject of deliberate practice:

Chapter 6

Drill: Continuous Cross-Court Digging

Chapter 7

Volleyball Games: Using Bonus Points Effectively

The impact of games on development

Using competition in training, even for skill development

Drill: Amoeba Serving

Chapter 8

Measuring practice intensity

Increasing player intensity in practice

Drill: The Hard Drill (cooperative back row drill that’s a kind of team pepper)

A Coach’s Guide to Cognitive Load Theory

Mental fatigue and focus training

Chapter 9

Drill: Flip-Switch

Libero in 5 or 6

Chapters 10 & 11

Game: Winners (a.k.a. King/Queen of the court)

Game: Speedball Winners

Game: Player Winners

Going next level with “winners” games

Small-sided volleyball games

Teaching problem-solving

Coaching from a solutions perspective

Accidentally finding a useful new scoring system

Chapter 12

Using process scoring in games

Cooperative vs. competitive for games and drills

Chapter 13

The guru effect is a real issue in coaching. It is something that came up in multiple interviews for the Volleyball Coaching Wizards project, and is specifically discussed in the Wizard Wisdom book, and its Spanish translation. Sometimes it’s a very obvious thing. You see attendees at a coaching clinic write down everything a leading coach does and says. Other times it’s more subtle. People even do it while saying they aren’t. Here’s an example of that I came across.

Chapter 14

Make sure the instructions and the feedback focus match

Setting up and sustaining your coaching focus

Volleyball Coaches – Stop talking!

The more you talk, the less they train

Book Review: The Brain Always Wins

Chapter 15

Are you a 1000-different-drills coach?

Save time by naming your volleyball drills

Volleyball Coaching Concept: Wash Drill

Thinking differently about wash scoring

Anything else?

I tried my best to anticipate where you might have a need for more info, would like an example, or simply have a desire to dig deeper, but maybe I missed something. Is there anything else from the book where you could do with more information, examples, etc.? Or is there a topic that builds from The Perfect Drill you’d like to take on next? If so, let me know via the form below.

And if you aren’t already a member, be sure to join the Coaching Volleyball group on Facebook. There are over 70,000 members ready to make you part of our community!

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John Forman

John is currently the Strategic Manager for Talent (oversees the national teams) and Indoor Performance Director for Volleyball England. His 20+ years of volleyball coaching experience includes all three NCAA divisions, plus Junior College, in the US; university and club teams in the UK; professional coaching in Sweden; and both coaching and club management at the Juniors level. He's also been a visiting coach at national team, professional club, and juniors programs in several countries.

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