Coaching Volleyball 2014 look back

About this time last year I wrote a post detailing how things went for the blog in 2013. At that point there had been around 4600 visitors and 14,000 page views. The tally for 2014 in contrast, was over 22,500 visitors and more than 61,500 page views. I’d call that a good year-over-year improvement, even considering the blog was only active for about half of 2013.

Visitors continue to come to this site from all over the world, though the US remains the clear leader, which comes as no surprise.


The vast majority of visits and page views to the site come from search engines. It will probably come as no surprise that social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest are the next largest sources of incoming visits. Among the other places visitors reach this website from the list includes Coaching Volleyball 2.0 magazine (via, VolleyTalk, Coach Rey, Volleyblog and Volleywood.

Here are the 10 most viewed pages, not counting the home page:

  1. Volleyball Try-Out Drill Ideas
  2. Volleyball Conditioning – A Sample Program
  3. Drill: Run Serve Receive
  4. Are your warm-ups wasting valuable time?
  5. Volleyball Set Diagram
  6. Game: Bingo-Bango-Bongo
  7. Scoring Serving and Passing Effectiveness
  8. Game: Winners (a.k.a. King/Queen of the court)
  9. Drill: Passing Triplets
  10. Planning your volleyball strength and conditioning training

All of those posts are actually ones I wrote in 2013, which comes as no real surprise since they’ve had more time to attract visitors. In terms of posts written in 2014, here are the ones that have received the most attention:

  1. Game: Neville Pepper
  2. Game: 7-point Rotations
  3. Setter Training: Hand Position
  4. Common violations of defensive principles
  5. The qualities of a good team captain
  6. Volleyball player efficiency ratings
  7. Book Review: Thinking Volleyball by Mike Hebert
  8. Washing to increase scrimmage intensity
  9. On the question of punishment in volleyball training
  10. Reader Question – Developing a 3-Middle Hitter Scheme

One of the most rewarding aspects to this year’s growth in the blog has been the increase in visitors sharing their thoughts via comments and creating some interesting discussions. These posts, in particular, were good ones in that regard:

Here’s hoping 2015 continues to see the interest and attention given to this blog grow and expand. I will certainly be doing my best to keep writing useful, interesting, and thought-provoking to that end.

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John Forman

John is currently the Strategic Manager for Talent (oversees the national teams) and Indoor Performance Director for Volleyball England. His 20+ years of volleyball coaching experience includes all three NCAA divisions, plus Junior College, in the US; university and club teams in the UK; professional coaching in Sweden; and both coaching and club management at the Juniors level. He's also been a visiting coach at national team, professional club, and juniors programs in several countries.

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