Tag: passing

Fixing bad passing mechanics

A coach of a boys team is having problems fixing the passing technique of a certain player. I share some of my thoughts on how…

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 1-2 Serve & Pass

This drill allows passers to work on receiving hard serves, and servers on serving them, but without lots of missed serves leaving passers standing around.

Drill: 5-Player Passing and Movement

This is fairly simple group ball-handling and movement drill (though with room for increased complexity and/or intensity) that could be used as a warn-up.

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: 5-player Pass and Set

This is a combination volleyball passing and setting drill, which can also incorporate controlled serving and/or hitting.

How to stop overpassing

Overpasses in volleyball are like gifts to the other team. Here are some ways you can get your players to keep the ball on your…

volleyball butterfly drills

Drill: Servers vs. Passers Scoring

This simple game volleyball drill works on serving and passing in a competitive way with enough flexibility to let you create a balanced challenge.

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