Synopsis: This is a useful drill which focuses on both controlled digging and setting an out of system ball.
Age/Skill Level: This is a drill for intermediate to advanced players.
Requirements: Coach, 2+ players, balls, half court
Execution: Begin with a coach in either the OH or RS position at the net, in the diagonally opposite defensive position, and one more players waiting to come in behind. The coach hits a ball at the player, which that player digs to themselves and then sets back toward the coach. Continue for time or a number of good reps. (Saw this at USC)
- With two coaches this drill could be run in both diagonal directions on the same side of the court.
- At advanced levels players could replace coaches.
- If the players are sufficiently skilled the ball they set back could be hit by the coach to the next player in line to keep the drill continuous.
- The coach(es) could hit from over the net on a box.
Additional Comments:
- Along with being able to control the hit ball, this drill focuses on being able to put up a hittable ball to the hitter at the net diagonal from the digger. This is what you would want to see rather than the player trying to set the ball to the net in front of them (for example from zone 5 to the OH in zone 4) where the angle is extremely disadvantageous to the hitter.
- This can be a good pre-match warm-up drill.
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