Long-time experienced coaches can sometimes struggle to remember what it was like when we were rookie coaches. Yes, you can (and should) retain that desire to keep learning and improving. It’s hard sometimes to remember those early days when we were a clean slate, though. Well, at least a cleaner one. Their own playing experiences influence all coaches, along with what they saw before they began coaching.
That’s why it’s interesting to read the Life of a Coach blog. In it, a relatively young coach named Lauren documented her experience and what was on her mind. Her first entry was on the subject of ego, In it Lauren shared the lesson she learned that as coaches our internal value shouldn’t be determined strictly by whether our teams win or lose.
I say internal, because inevitably people on the outside will judge us by wins, championships, and the like. There’s not much we can really do about that.
Lauren posted pieces on her motivation for coaching and dealing with playing time, among other things. She even has a rant about the modern generation of athletes. That seems obligatory on coaching blogs these days. 🙂
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