Yesterday’s post was the 750th of this little volleyball coaching blog. 🙂
We’re a few weeks away from Coaching Volleyball’s third anniversary since it’s launch, so I guess I’m averaging just about a post every weekday. By the point you’ll probably have noticed that’s my general schedule. I don’t always get them in, but it’s pretty close.
According to the stats, here’s the top 10 posts by page views.
- Volleyball Try-Out Drill Ideas
- Volleyball Conditioning – A Sample Program
- Are your warm-ups wasting valuable time?
- Drill: Run Serve Receive
- Volleyball Set Diagram
- Teach them how to throw
- Game: Bingo-Bango-Bongo
- Scoring Serving and Passing Effectiveness
- Game: Winners (a.k.a. King/Queen of the court)
- Rules for coaching volleyball from John Kessel
Not surprisingly, most of the posts above date back to the first year of the blog, giving them lots of time to accumulate reads. Interestingly, though, #6 and #10 are both posts from in the last 6 months. They obviously reflect an interest in the material. Equally, though, they indicate how far the blog has come in terms of reach.
In fact, those two posts are responsible for the 3 largest individual day’s of readership for the blog.
Something I find interesting is that in terms of social media, Facebook is miles ahead of Twitter in terms of where readers come from to get to the site. I think it’s about a 5:1 ratio. This is despite the fact that I have a similar number of followers on both platforms. Clearly, there’s more sharing going on among coaches on Facebook than on Twitter.
What the stats can’t tell me is how much readership some of my posts are getting in print media. Over the years quite a few of them have been picked up for publishing in other places, most notably the AVCA’s Coaching Volleyball 2.0 magazine.
Anyway, I don’t have plans to stop writing any time soon. Got thoughts for future post topics? Let me know!
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