This post marks the end of the first 100 days of this blog. It’s also marks the 100th entry in the blog. It’s a nice milestone for something I started as a little side project. Got myself on a pretty good roll there during the summer months.
My various experiences coaching have provided considerable fodder for new material, and my August trip to several college programs in the US was quite useful as well. At any given point I’ve had several posts pending publication. I’m not sure how long that will be the case, especially with the other demands on my time I expect to have now that school is getting back in session. For now, though, I’m enjoying being able to keep putting my thoughts and ideas in print.
As noted on the About page, I started this website out as something to use in helping coaches in the South West of England where I’m located – and the broader English coaching community as well given the contacts I’ve started to develop from coaching in BUCS and NVL and attending coaching meetings. Thus far I’ve done very little to actually promote the site and what I’ve done has been mainly England focused. Interestingly, though, the traffic to the site has been very much multinational.
A close examination will show that the UK is the next darkest country on the map, though the number of visits from there falls way behind those from the US.
As you’d probably expect, the home page of the site has been the most visited page. Here are the pages which round out the top 10:
Game: Bingo-Bango-Bongo
Volleyball Set Diagram
Are your warm-ups wasting valuable time?
Proposed FIVB rules changes ahead
Drill: Run Serve Receive
Volleyball Conditioning: A Sample Program
First things first, know your priorities
Volleyball Drills (main category page)
Making Mentorship Part of the Process
I’ve got loads of ideas for stuff I’d like to do with the sight and related social network platforms. If you have any ideas or things you’d like to see, definitely let me know through the Contact page, the Facebook group, or via Twitter.
By the way, the Facebook group now has over two dozen members and the Twitter feed has over 100 followers. Not bad for virtually no promotional effort thus far.
One thing I want to do is get some additional contributors pitching in their own thoughts, experiences, drills and games. It would be nice to have some varying perspectives.
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