Ecological Dynamics has made inroads in how we coach our players and teams, but what about how we develop ourselves?
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"... just keep up the good work, John. You know, you're a good steward for the game of volleyball, and I know running a Facebook group is time-consuming, doing this on the side is time-consuming, and just let you know that it is appreciated."
Ecological Dynamics has made inroads in how we coach our players and teams, but what about how we develop ourselves?
A good post-practice talk (evaluation, debrief) helps reinforce your focus points, gather useful info, and lay the groundwork for the future.
A “zero talent” meme often circulates in coaching circles. Typically, it doesn’t really reflect the complexity of the issue involved.
The last three months were pretty active ones for the England indoor squads, with multiple competitions and training camps.
In which I share my thoughts on a video I came across which features a drill meant to work on spike follow-through.
How do you teach volleyball beginners to serve overhand? Here is what I focus on when working with new servers.
Here is a fairly easy to use volleyball set diagram for defining and describing different types of sets as part of your offensive system.
Deciding on a starting line-up for your volleyball team requires potentially balancing a number of different factors I discuss here.
Scoring your volleyball team's serving and passing is an easy way to use statistics to help make objective training and line-up decisions.
John's 20+ years of volleyball coaching experience includes all three NCAA divisions and Junior College in the US; club and university teams in the UK; a pro team in Sweden; and Juniors coaching and club management. He's been a visiting coach at national team, professional club, and juniors programs in several countries. Currently, he leads the entire national team structure for Volleyball England. John also runs the Coaching Volleyball group on Facebook.
“I wish this book had been available years ago … Recommended for all coaches regardless of experience (or, for that matter, sport.)” – Amazon Reviewer