A couple thoughts on offense and serving
Legendary coach Terry Pettit has shared some observations about the current state of the game to which I react.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
Legendary coach Terry Pettit has shared some observations about the current state of the game to which I react.
Fellow blogger and coaching legend Jim Stone has some things he's been thinking about. Here I share my views on those subjects.
Should you have your setter(s) set each hitter the same way, or should they adjust their sets based on hitter capabilities?
A lot depends on your setter. So how can you get them the reps they need to develop their skills and capabilities?
Developing the ability to effectively run counter-flow sets gives a team the ability to put incredible pressure on opposing blocks.
A reader has a daughter who is tall and left-handed setter. She's looking for advice on how to train and develop her.
How can we help our setters develop more consistent sets? It comes down to a couple of key things, no matter the exercise you use.
Here are my thoughts on a running a 6-hour setter's clinic, split over two sessions with a break in the middle.
Is there a better offensive option than the libero bump-setting high balls when the setter plays first contact?
The stress of deciding who to set during play is a real thing for setters, especially for younger, more inexperienced ones.