Fixed set height or match the hitter’s reach
Should you have your setter(s) set each hitter the same way, or should they adjust their sets based on hitter capabilities?
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
Should you have your setter(s) set each hitter the same way, or should they adjust their sets based on hitter capabilities?
A lot depends on your setter. So how can you get them the reps they need to develop their skills and capabilities?
A reader has a daughter who is tall and left-handed setter. She's looking for advice on how to train and develop her.
How can we help our setters develop more consistent sets? It comes down to a couple of key things, no matter the exercise you use.
Here are my thoughts on a running a 6-hour setter's clinic, split over two sessions with a break in the middle.
Should your setter take every ball, or should they be able to call for help on balls far away? I actually think it's a question…
Here's a scenario a coach presented where you need to come up with a way to do setter training on a half court with some…
We can't tell our setters exactly where to set every single ball. That means we have to teach them to make the right decisions in…