Serving: Stand or Jump?
Are jump serves better than standing serves in volleyball? If so, when should we start teaching players how to jump serve?
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
Are jump serves better than standing serves in volleyball? If so, when should we start teaching players how to jump serve?
How can we get players used to serving in pressure situations? It comes down to making their serves in practice consequential.
When we coaches say aggressive serving, what exactly does that mean? Here is what I mean when I use that phrase.
A reader who is a volleyball player has a couple questions on how to help her teammates be better in serve reception and in serving
Serving aggressiveness and its impact on point scoring is a frequent talking point among volleyball coaches. Is there an optimal service error rate?
How do you teach volleyball beginners to serve overhand? Here is what I focus on when working with new servers.
Following on some earlier thinking about developing a way to work on serving and passing in a competitive way, I tried a new scoring system…
Lots of volleyball coaches want their teams to serve tougher, but there's a trade off between winning more rallies and losing more points through higher…
If your volleyball misses serves at bad times or simply misses them a lot there are a number of potential causes which you can address…