I came across the following question in a coaching group on Facebook.
I’m 33, halfway to an associate degree and determining my path in life. Would you say I’m too old to start a coaching career. I’m not sure where I would start, I haven’t been around volleyball since high school. My plans so far are to take the Impact and CAP courses and start volunteering somewhere and maybe offering private lessons to get some cash flow started.
First, let me say on behalf of older coaches that it’s really funny to hear someone of only 33 think they might be too old for something. 😀
And certainly the answer to the question is a resounding No! There are so many ways one can coach. And there are ALWAYS organizations in need of motivated, eager, mature individuals to fill coaching roles.
I suggest finding somewhere they won’t simply toss you in to the deep end and say, “Swim”. It’s like that in lots of places. Rather, look for somewhere you will have more experienced coaches to help you along with your day-to-day work and your development.
Here are my thoughts on the big coaching education platforms (based in the US).
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