Book Review: Leading by Alex Ferguson
It's worth reading the thoughts and advice of coaches with tons of experience and success. This book from Alex Ferguson is a good add to…
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
It's worth reading the thoughts and advice of coaches with tons of experience and success. This book from Alex Ferguson is a good add to…
The book Messy, by Tim Harford, is a book that explores the value in not always being neat, orderly, and well-structured.
The Science of Volleyball Practice Development and Drill Design has some good information based on motor learning concepts, but is a very difficult read.
The Little Book of Talent features a bunch of really interesting things to think about as a coach, in a very consumable fashion.
The Art of Volleyball Hitting by John L. Bowman is a quite thorough discussion of hitting aimed at players, but I think you can find…
Coaching Volleyball for Dummies has some good content for new coaches, but a lot of the material when it comes to actual coaching is problematic.
The Brain Always Wins by John Sullivan and Chris Parker could be quite beneficial to both your coaching and your own personal health and development.
From the Ashes, by Frank Zaccari, combines business concepts with some history from the University of Washington volleyball program.
Peak - Secrets from the New Science of Expertise helps you understand what the concept of deliberate practice means and how to apply it.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree by Eric Barker is an interesting combination of stories and research that could help you both personally and as a…