AVCA Convention 2013 – Day 4
The American Volleyball Coaches Association convention wrapped up with me attending four more seminars on a variety of subjects.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
The American Volleyball Coaches Association convention wrapped up with me attending four more seminars on a variety of subjects.
The third day of the AVCA coaching convention was spent mainly in seminars featuring panel discussions and talks about communication and motivation.
The convention really got rolling on Thursday. I attended three seminars, did some business, connected with some people, and even watched a bit of volleyball.
The first day of my American Volleyball Coaches Association convention attendance was a fairly mellow one, which was probably good given the jet lag.
I'm off to the American Volleyball Coaches Association convention for the next few days and will be trying to post daily about what I'm seeing…
In desperate need of reducing my coaching workload to put more time into my PhD research, I announced that yesterday's match was my last with…
In recent years there's been a move toward a somewhat more conservative float serve approach in volleyball, speaking to an aggressiveness/accuracy tradeoff.
For 2014-15 BUCS will be running new premier leagues in volleyball. Selection to them will be based Championship finishes this year of current Division 1…
Should college volleyball players be prevented from competing in national championships because of rigid school or professor attendance rules?
Despite what some might think, a volleyball team cannot actually catch-up any quicker in a rally scoring came than they could in a sideout game.