Back in the Bundesliga

Greetings from Germany!

I apparently just can’t get enough of the place. This is my fifth visit in about the last 16 months – all linked to volleyball. This time I’m back in Bühl where I visited at this same time last year. I helped out with the early part of preseason for the TV Bühl team which plays in the top men’s division in the Bundesliga.

Last year I was here for about 10 days. This time it will be twice that. I’m calling it my coaching preseason. This isn’t a situation where I’ll just be observing. I’ll actually be in the gym helping run drills and games for upwards of 6 hours a day during the week (weekends are given off unless there’s some competition lined up). That’s about twice as long as I’ll be on-court with Svedala when start at month’s end of the month. I need it, though. Months of PhD work focus comprising mainly sitting in front of a computer has me out of coaching shape.

If last year is any indication, the first couple of days could be a bit difficult physically (back, mainly), but that will gradually improve. I’m looking forward to the increased physical activity.

I’m also looking forward to a serious volleyball immersion. It should get my coaching mind nicely charged up for the new season. TV Bühl head coach Ruben Wolochin is a one who actively solicits ideas, so I’m sure there will be plenty of coaching brainstorming, planning, and strategizing. Not doubt I’ll have plenty of material for future blog posts from it all.

As an aside, though it’s somewhat larger in size, Bühl has a small town feel to it not unlike Svedala’s. Svedala is a bit closer to a decent-sized city (Malmö), but Bühl has the clear edge in scenery as it has a mountain backdrop to the landscape.

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John Forman

John is currently the Strategic Manager for Talent (oversees the national teams) and Indoor Performance Director for Volleyball England. His 20+ years of volleyball coaching experience includes all three NCAA divisions, plus Junior College, in the US; university and club teams in the UK; professional coaching in Sweden; and both coaching and club management at the Juniors level. He's also been a visiting coach at national team, professional club, and juniors programs in several countries.

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