The records keep falling!

You guys just keep breaking records!

As I’ve been documenting (see this, this, and this), it’s been a surprisingly strong year for the site’s readership. That didn’t change at all in May. From 2017 to 2020 the month of May was the lowest traffic month of the year. Not a big surprise given that it’s a slower time of year in the volleyball calendar. Colleges and professional leagues are completed. Juniors season for many teams is over. Coaches quite reasonably take a bit of a break this time of year.

Different story for 2021, though. Yes, college and pro teams were done. Many high school seasons moved to later in the year, however. Same with a lot of club tournaments. That made May a bit more intense than usual. That seems to be playing out in blog traffic as last month’s readership was up nearly 60% from 2020. Additionally, May beat out January for only the second time since the site’s inception in 2013.

Total page views for 2021 are up about 40% from last year at this point. The site is on track to hit 300,000 for the first time ever this year, which is awesome.

Oh, and last week the blog crossed 1.5 million total page views. I definitely never imagined anything like that when I started.

Here are the posts that got the most readership in May.

  1. Volleyball Set Diagram
  2. Volleyball Try-Out Drill Ideas
  3. How to teach the overhand serve to volleyball beginners
  4. Volleyball Camp Drills and Games
  5. Pin hitter in volleyball – what is it?

As is pretty typical, none of those is a new post. Not that I wrote that much in May, mind. I had a lot going on, especially in the latter part of the month.

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John Forman

John is currently the Strategic Manager for Talent (oversees the national teams) and Indoor Performance Director for Volleyball England. His 20+ years of volleyball coaching experience includes all three NCAA divisions, plus Junior College, in the US; university and club teams in the UK; professional coaching in Sweden; and both coaching and club management at the Juniors level. He's also been a visiting coach at national team, professional club, and juniors programs in several countries.

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