Yesterday I mentioned that I’m running a 24-hour challenge to see if we in the volleyball community can put my new book, The Perfect Drill, on top of the Sports & Outdoors category. That challenge is now underway! It will run until 6:00AM US Eastern time on Thursday.

Note that this is for the main store. If at all possible, please buy from there. Rankings are by store, so we want to put as many sales as possible through one store. If you can’t buy through the main one, though, go ahead and use your own store. We can drive rankings there as well.
I’ll provide ranking updates throughout the day on the Coaching Volleyball group on Facebook.
Special Bonus Q&A: In the book you’ll find a link to access the Additional Resources. Sign-up for that and you’ll automatically be registered for the reader Q&A.
Post a review: If you do buy the book today, and have a chance to give it a read, go ahead and put up a review on the Amazon page if you have the opportunity. It’ll help other readers and support the challenge.
Share the challenge: Of course it would be great if you could share what we’re trying to do with your friends and connections in the volleyball community in whatever way works best for you (email, social media, etc.). The more people we can tell, the better our chances of topping the Amazon rankings!
Some folks either jumped on the challenge a bit early or they came across the book organically. When I woke up this morning this is what I saw:

Nice start, but a long way to go to make the goal.