Don’t practice until you get it right. Practice until you can’t get it wrong.
The idea of practicing until you can't get it wrong is one I struggle to accept in the context of coaching from a developmental perspective.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
The idea of practicing until you can't get it wrong is one I struggle to accept in the context of coaching from a developmental perspective.
A loud, high activity gym seems like a good thing, but not if all that noise and bustle covers up an otherwise ineffective session.
Coaches sometimes try to improve player reactions by forcing them to focus only on the ball in flight when they should focus on the contact.
How are you allocating the time you spend in practice on the various actions of the game? Do you even know how they break down?
An article from the running arena brings up the subject of mental fatigue and focus and how they relate to athletic performance.
Want your players to react more quickly to balls? There are two facets to doing that, and a lot of stuff coaches do in this…