Flipping passing angles around
This post looks at some figures about the best and worst places for passers to receive the ball in reception and ponders serving strategy.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
This post looks at some figures about the best and worst places for passers to receive the ball in reception and ponders serving strategy.
Legendary coach Terry Pettit has shared some observations about the current state of the game to which I react.
Serving certain targets - be they Zones or passers - can be very useful. Let's not forget, though, the one actually having to make the…
A coach worries he needs to change his serving philosophy, but what he presents doesn't get anywhere close to suggesting that.
How important is getting aces to winning in volleyball? More important in the men's game than the women's based on the numbers.
Serving aggressiveness and its impact on point scoring is a frequent talking point among volleyball coaches. Is there an optimal service error rate?
There is a point at which service aggression is just right to achieve the highest point scoring (breakpoint) percentage, but it varies.
Lots of volleyball coaches want their teams to serve tougher, but there's a trade off between winning more rallies and losing more points through higher…
A US collegiate volleyball coach provides something to think about in formulating a serving strategy for your team.