Book Review: Spike! by Doug Beal
Spike! is the story of the 1984 USA men's olympic volleyball team as told by its head coach Doug Beal. It's definitely an interesting read.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
Spike! is the story of the 1984 USA men's olympic volleyball team as told by its head coach Doug Beal. It's definitely an interesting read.
My Profession - The Game is the English translation of the last of several books written by legendary Russian volleyball coach Vyacheslav Platonov
Although there are a few interesting elements and worthwhile anecdotes, overall this is not a volleyball coaching book I am inclined to recommend for reading.
Winning Volleyball is a book of its time in that is doesn't reflect the modern game in many respects, but it's not without value to…
Volleyball Skills & Drills is a book by the American Volleyball Coaches Association featuring ten chapters on various aspects of coaching.
As it's title suggests Coaching Volleyball Technical and Tactical Skills is a book focused on teaching the technical skills and tactical aspects of volleyball.
Here's my review of the book Incredible Volleyball Lead-Up Games and Drills, which has some potentially useful features for volleyball coaches.
Thinking Volleyball by Mike Hebert will make you think about your volleyball coaching, not just present you with a bunch of drills and training techniques.
While not a volleyball coaching manual, this book provides a lot of interesting and thought-provoking tidbits, interspersed with a fair amount of humor.
The Volleyball Debate looks at the formation of Ball State men's volleyball and its fight to become the varsity program which dominated Midwest volleyball.