Book Review – The Culture System by JP Nerbun
The Culture System by JP Nerbun is a deep dive into developing and sustain team culture that's a worthwhile read for any coach.
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The Culture System by JP Nerbun is a deep dive into developing and sustain team culture that's a worthwhile read for any coach.
The Best: How Elite Athletes Are Made, by A. Mark Williams and Tim Wigmore, is an interesting book covering a number of meaningful topics.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a very engaging book that will make you really think about relationships and interactions in your team.
The Tough Stuff, by Cody Royle, does have some coach-team interaction elements, but largely focuses on the coach as an individual.
Although having a decent knowledge of soccer is probably required, this is a good look at the work and thought process of an elite coach.
How We Learn to Move is a book on skill development with a heavy focus on the Constraints-Led Approach which is well worth a read.
Ultimately, Coach-to-Coach is a series of coaching lessons presented in a very enjoyable and engaging story format.
Do Hard Things by Steve Magness attacks out-dated conceptions and provides a guide to how we can develop true mental toughness.
Leaders Eat Last is a book about creating strong team environments and the things that contribute to them, and work against them.
It's worth reading the thoughts and advice of coaches with tons of experience and success. This book from Alex Ferguson is a good add to…