Book Review – Learning To Be an “Ecological” Coach by Rob Gray
Learning To Be an “Ecological” Coach by Rob Gray has it flaws, but is a book well worth reading for coaches at all of levels.
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Learning To Be an “Ecological” Coach by Rob Gray has it flaws, but is a book well worth reading for coaches at all of levels.
The Culture System by JP Nerbun is a deep dive into developing and sustain team culture that's a worthwhile read for any coach.
The Best: How Elite Athletes Are Made, by A. Mark Williams and Tim Wigmore, is an interesting book covering a number of meaningful topics.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a very engaging book that will make you really think about relationships and interactions in your team.
The Tough Stuff, by Cody Royle, does have some coach-team interaction elements, but largely focuses on the coach as an individual.
Although having a decent knowledge of soccer is probably required, this is a good look at the work and thought process of an elite coach.
How We Learn to Move is a book on skill development with a heavy focus on the Constraints-Led Approach which is well worth a read.
Ultimately, Coach-to-Coach is a series of coaching lessons presented in a very enjoyable and engaging story format.
Do Hard Things by Steve Magness attacks out-dated conceptions and provides a guide to how we can develop true mental toughness.
Leaders Eat Last is a book about creating strong team environments and the things that contribute to them, and work against them.