What’s one of the big challenges of being a volleyball coaching blogger?
It’s remembering to write about subjects that may not currently be of much specific interest to you. Specifically, topics which others out there are very much interested in learning about and/or discussing. I sometimes have to make a conscious effort.
There are times when I churn out post after post, article after article. That’s usually motivated by one of two things. The first is the challenges I’m actually experiencing as a coach myself at the time. This is really easy stuff to write about. It also tends to be on topics a great many readers can easily relate to because we all tend to have a fairly comment set of issues we deal with regularly. This is something I wrote about in Being reminded of the coaching similarities.
The second thing that helps stimulate lots of blog posts is coaching education. The HP clinic I attended in February 2015 was a fantastic source of motivation and inspiration (and lots of readership!). There are also things like the books I reviewed, and the Volleyball England certification I did.
Of course the Volleyball Coaching Wizards interviews I do provide all sorts of thoughts and ideas..
Sometimes it’s a bit of a grind to come up with ideas, though. As writers do, once in a while I hit a bit of a dry patch. That’s when I need other sources of ideas and inspiration. Reader questions help a lot in those times, though the nature of things is they tend to come in during the season when ideas are easiest to generate.
Still, from time to time I need to remember what it was like to be a developing coach and bring back subjects that I haven’t thought about personally in a while. If I forget to do that, don’t hesitate to give me a poke. 🙂
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