Happy Birthday Coaching Volleyball!
On this date in 2013 the very first post on the blog titled Welcome to Coaching Volleyball! went up. Looking back at it now, in some ways the motivation for the site was quite ambitious. In other ways, though, it was perhaps narrower in scope than it could have been. Certainly the readership has gone well beyond England!
It’s funny for me to think that it’s only been two years since that first post. Seems like ages ago now. There have been over 40,000 visitors to the site in that time, resulting in north of 115,000 page views. The first full month of the blog, July 2013, there were fewer than 500 page views. In 2015 so far there hasn’t been a month with fewer than 5800 pages views.
The site set a new record on June 13th when I came just short of reaching 1000 views in a day, main thanks to the purpose of defense post. Amazingly, that came on a Saturday, which tends to be the lowest traffic day of the week. The prior peak was back on February 12th, with the focus then in my review of the High Performance Coaches Clinic.
The fun part of how the blog has grown and developed is going to all kinds of different places and having people tell me they read it. Many of them are, as you might expect, developing coaches. Others, though, are vastly experienced with Hall of Fame credentials. That is always surprising and amazing to hear.
On a related note, the blog has also allowed me to do a lot of things I might not have been able to do before. Most significantly, perhaps, it helped me develop connections in European professional volleyball which allowed me to spend time with three German Bundesliga teams at different points, and eventually resulted in me landing my own job coaching at the professional level.
And of course the Volleyball Coaching Wizards project almost certainly would never have developed had I not started Coaching Volleyball just two short years ago.
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