Post-Practice Talks: Why and what
A good post-practice talk (evaluation, debrief) helps reinforce your focus points, gather useful info, and lay the groundwork for the future.
Sharing volleyball coaching insights and ideas
A good post-practice talk (evaluation, debrief) helps reinforce your focus points, gather useful info, and lay the groundwork for the future.
In which I share my thoughts on a video I came across which features a drill meant to work on spike follow-through.
If you regularly create antagonistic situations in practice, then improving one side creates pressure for the other to also improve.
Players struggling to do what you've been working on in drills once they get into game? Here are some ways to address that.
Volleyball team building drills that boost communication, collaboration, and problem-solving to help your team play better together.
Volleyball has "rate limiters" at just about every contact. We can manipulate them to encourage players to develop in our desired direction.
We want failure of skill or tactical execution by our players as part of their development. But what about failure of the drills we use?
A research paper provides a framework for us to apply the levers of specificity and challenge based on our session or activity focus.
A volleyball coach wants to know how to get more mindful, intentional serving by players in practice. The answer is pretty easy.
I ran a camp featuring 3 90-minute sessions which I used to develop a very specific set of concepts with a group of boys.