Category: N-R

Year in Review: 2015

2015 had its share of challenges, but I will remember it for all the really amazing things that happened along the way. Here's hoping for…

Taking a bit of a break

Just a quick note to let you know that I'll be taking a bit of a break from the blogging and stuff now that the…

You can call me Doctor now

I'm finally a PhD! Well, subject to a few really minor corrections to my thesis I am anyway. Almost hard to believe it's finally done.

Snow in Svedala

Winter made an appearance in Southern Sweden over the weekend.

Dealing with perfectionists

The reaction of my perfectionist players in a defensive drill once reminded me of one of the reasons I like to push the training tempo.

A night out with the parents

A night out with some of the players' parents from the team and others involved with the club presented some interesting situations.

A long day of off-court stuff

On Tuesday I had one of those types of coaching duties that all of us have to deal with along the way. I had to…