Category: N-R

Taking a bit of a break

Just a quick note to let you know that I'll be taking a bit of a break from the blogging and stuff now that the…

You can call me Doctor now

I'm finally a PhD! Well, subject to a few really minor corrections to my thesis I am anyway. Almost hard to believe it's finally done.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day to all the readers in the States and to all my fellow ex-pats where ever you are in the world.

Snow in Svedala

Winter made an appearance in Southern Sweden over the weekend.

Dealing with perfectionists

The reaction of my perfectionist players in a defensive drill once reminded me of one of the reasons I like to push the training tempo.

A night out with the parents

A night out with some of the players' parents from the team and others involved with the club presented some interesting situations.

A long day of off-court stuff

On Tuesday I had one of those types of coaching duties that all of us have to deal with along the way. I had to…