I’ve been a bit quiet on the content front in recent weeks as I’ve gotten my feet under me at Radford and as we’ve moved into the 2022 season. That hasn’t kept folks from visiting the site, though!
On Tuesday the total post reads for the site going back to its creation in 2013 crossed the 2,000,000 mark. It took about 6 years to get to the 1 million mark. The second million, by comparison, only took about 3 years. A lot of that came in about the last 18 months.
You may recall my series of posts documenting the real growth in readership in 2021. That continues in 2022.
Every month this year has seen higher readership than the same month in 2021. In March the site registered 40,000 views in a month for the first time ever. August eclipsed that handily, coming in at nearly 48k. The result is that total readership for this year is running about 30% above last year’s pace. If page views this year just match what came in last year, 2022 will end up seeing more than 400k total. It will also mark the first time averaging more than 1000 views per day.
What’s interesting in all this is that despite the big upswing in readership, the single biggest 1-day page view count remains May 4, 2016. The Teach Them How to Throw post went viral that day (for some reason) and brought in over 2300 reads, contributing to nearly 2900 for the day.
Anyway, thanks to all my readers over the years – an especially to those who keep coming back!
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One Response
Congratulations and much deserved! I enjoy reading your articles